Sonntag, 27. Februar 2011

Days like this

Hey there!

I'm really sorry, that I didn't post anything for one week, but now I'm back!
First Friday. Friday was just a normal schoolday, exept of the parentsspeechday, in german: Elternsprechtag.
There the parents can go to your teachers an talk to them, about your problems. My parents couldn't come, so I had to go alone to my teachers. But it was okay.

Yesterday was just a fantastic day. Really. I was at a prom and at first it was a little boring, but after a while it was really fun! I danced a lot, especially with on boy. And one time we went round and round and round. And then I felt down and lost on of my shoes. And oure teachers laughed and said: Hey, Cinderella, do you lost your shoe? And I said: Yes, but not the one out of glass. Oh yes we really laughed a lot. I was the last one how went home yesterday. Oh I was tired and I though my feet were away. 

And today is Sunday and I don't do anything. I have to do my homework and something else, but I don't want to do it. Well, I promise that I write something on Monday. See you later!

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